Automate OpenGraph images for any website or link 🤩
TinyZap improves click-through rates 📈 for links shared on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and social posts with automatically generated webpage screenshots. 💅
How it works
Make boring text links something people want to click
It all starts with any link you want to share.
TinyZap's link shortener captures a screenshot of the webpage and makes the OpenGraph title and description editable—all without any coding.

TinyZap optimizes link to look their best on all social networks.

Works with all social networks
TinyZap links can be shared in any social networking application and it will expand the web address into a link with an OpenGraph image and whatever description you life.
Up your OpenGraph game
Personalize OpenGraph visuals and details each time you share a link. Instead of a single description and image for a webpage, adapt to the moment and the audience with every share. It's the "why" leading the "what".